Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Camera at Last!

I won the auction by 83 cents. It was my closest win since my bidding war with QueenOfLeadFeet for an old Chagall Guevara CD. (I suffer from obscure musical tastes.) A week and a few e-mails later, a package arrived on my desk. Yay!

It is the sad duty of old cameras to photograph their replacements.

The nitty-gritty, for you detail oriented folk: It's a Canon A95, 5 megapixel, 3X optical zoom (and a digital zoom that can be turned OFF!) and came with a free 1GB CompactFlash card. State of the art? Not really. Best digital camera to date? Oh yeah!

I'd say it takes pretty good pictures. Wouldn't you?

The upshot of all this, dear reader, is more and better pictures for you!

1 comment:

Carolyn Kerr said...

Congratulations on the new camera. May it serve you long and well.