Sunday, April 27, 2008

...and After

Dramatic, no?

This transformation was enabled in part by the wonderful folks of Freecycle, who lined up to claim the loft, the dresser, and a steering wheel off of a Mazda RX-7 (How did that get in here...?) Also credit the heroic efforts of Paul, who tackled the mess in a different way than what I'd been doing, with spectacular results.

Now, do realize what the truly amazing part of this transformation is?


Well, here it is: I didn't clean Deborah's desk. Nor did I add to the mess thereon, which is equally amazing. Temptation comes in all forms, but it can be resisted!


Unknown said...

The desk looks like our house, just compressed into one corner. Which reminds me, I guess we should think about cleaning before too long.

lightpaths said...

Amazing, I can see the desk is mostly the same, even the stacked play dough is still there.
Now how are you going to get Deborah to clean that off??

Sarah DeSalvo said...

So, are you moving... or... ? Where are you going to sleep now? I guess I'm just a little confused =)

Andy said...

Sara said: Now how are you going to get Deborah to clean that off??

By posting pictures of it on the internet? Dunno, might work. We've had desk interventions before, but not touching her desk was more of an act of love (and self-preservation.)

Andy said...

Sarah said: So, are you moving... or... ? Where are you going to sleep now? I guess I'm just a little confused =)

It's more of a reflection that someone else moved. May (Deborah's sister) lived with us for about a year after she got back to the States, and the loft was hers. She has moved on to other adventures at YWAM in Pittsburgh:

Our own loft (carved from a living tree with the bedroom built around it... wait, no, that's The Odyssey... although it's not too far off) is staying put, as are we.

Carolyn Kerr said...

Congratulations. You are an inspiration.

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Oh, okay! For some reason I thought that was YOUR room. =) I knew May was with YWAM - thanks for sharing her blog, I'll have to check it out!